With your support, we can create foundations that will remain standing for generations to come. Investing in education and training programs to empower the community and to give them access to the resources that they need while preserving their culture and traditions.
With your support, we can fund village Kindergarten and English classes for youth and adults. Build the framework for strong values for education and conservation. Invest in a recreational program where a Sports Coach or Youth Leader can help build healthy habits and skills through organized athletics and activities for children and young adults. Fund educational bursaries for promising students to continue education in Panama City with the idea of returning home to use the education for the betterment for the community. Establish a music, art, and technology education program. Make a capital gift for the village community center, sports fields, and school. Build the morale of youth through music and the arts, and provide an area for cultural projects and activities.
Your Gift
This fund can provide the people of Piñas with the resources that they need to tap into their potential, creating a path for success for future generations. The programs established through this fund will help the community to discover passions and talents, igniting hope and creating foundations needed for future opportunities.
Without investment in education and growth, opportunity becomes stifled, communities become complacent, and hope is lost. Vital life skills are left undeveloped, making forging forward in the harsh world of today an immense challenge. Potential remains capped, and talent remains undiscovered.